Who are we, where did we come from and what do we do? Those are the questions people want answers to when they hear about your company. McBurney Sales was a tool and equipment distributor specializing in the sales and service of Automotive and Industrial tools & equipment.
Founded June 1st 1948 by George McBurney, he worked out of the old fire hall in Leaside. George, my father, was one of four Snap-On reps to cover Ontario during the war and when they decided to cut his territory he made the decision to go on his own.
McBurney Sales was always a family business and in the early days my mother and grandfather both worked with my dad. As the years went by and the company grew, my brother and I came on board. We didn't have a chance because we lived beside the business and grew up knowing that working with our parents was in the cards. Over the years we have developed into a specialty house that both sells and services tools and equipment. We have sold hydraulic equipment used to erect the CN Tower. We were involved in providing equipment for the Olympic Stadium in Montreal and we have consulted on the proper equipment to lift a bridge, raise a roof and even lift a ten-story building faced with marble. We have worked with the University of Toronto and supplied the equipment used to test the strength of reinforced concrete using a block of cement reinforced in various ways to give it strength, then placed in a huge reaction frame where it was stressed by hydraulic cylinders at 48 different locations, all at the same time. We specialized in high pressure, high tonnage hydraulic equipment and carried the three major lines in the business. With Enerpac, Powerteam and Simplex, we could supply the best equipment for the application. We also sold and serviced Ingersoll Rand's full line of pneumatic equipment. We worked with many commercial accounts recommending the proper tool for the job. We found over the years that the cheapest or most expensive toosl were not always the best tools for the job, regardless of capital cost. We soldl and serviced the Ingersoll Rand line of Air & DC production tools. We worked with both industry and other Ingersoll Rand dealers to help solve production problems that required precise torque and the ability to record the accuracy of the joint.
We were able to quote on everything from a socket to the most complete shop you wanted to set up. If you managed to read this far then we hope you found our saga interesting. We closed the company in September of 2013
I would like to say thank you to our employees, suppliers and thousands of customers that made McBurney Sales a successful company for over 65 years
Daryl McBurney